What is Secured by Design?
The official UK Police flagship initiative combining the principles of ‘designing out crime’ with physical security
Secured by Design is the official UK Police flagship initiative supporting the principles of designing out crime by use of effective crime prevention and security standards for a wide range of products and applications. Only products which have been tested and meet the required technical standard can be awarded the Police Preferred Specification.

Above: Secured by Design logo (Please note that Capital Garage Doors Ltd is a distributor/reseller of Secured by Design certified products and NOT a Secured by Design accredited company)
About Secured by Design
Established in 1989, Secured by Design (SBD) is the title for a group of national police projects focusing on the design and security for new & refurbished homes, commercial premises and car parks as well as the acknowledgement of quality security products and crime prevention projects. It supports the principles of ‘designing out crime’ through physical security and processes.
Secured by Design works with the industry and test houses to create high level security standards, responding to trends in crime, and has given input on a number of key standards .The principles of the scheme have been proven to reduce the risk of crime and the fear of crime.
Our Secured by Design products
SWS UK hold the Secured by Design accreditation
for the SeceuroGuard 1001 Security Grilles
Secured by Design certified range of security grilles from SWS UK – SeceuroGuard 1001 Floating Single & MultiGate Collapsible Security Grille, SeceuroGuard 1001 Single Gate Collapsible Security Grille, SeceuroGuard 1001 ‘Fixed’ Security Grille – certified to LPS 1175 Issue 7 SR1 Specification for testing and classifying the burglary resistance of building components, strong points and security enclosures.
For more information on SWS UK’s SBD certification please visit Secured by Design website!

The Guardian Range of Up and Over Garage Doors from Garador
The new Garador Guardian Range of Up and Over Garage Doors has been engineered to offer even greater security. We offer three styles of Garador’s up and over garage doors with Secured by Design certification: Horizon, Carlton and Salisbury. Available with canopy or retractable gearing options and in any one of seven standard colours. This product accreditation also qualifies for 2 points under the Code for Sustainable Homes, a national standard for use in the construction of new homes which encourages greater sustainability. Certified to STS 202 BR1 Requirements for burglary resistance of construction products.
For more information on Garador’s SBD certification please visit Secured by Design website!
Seceuroglide Excel Roller Garage Door by SWS UK
SeceuroGlide Excel Roller Garage Door (max width 5.2m) have been awarded the prestigious Secured by Design Police Preferred Specification status.
Certified to LPS1175 Issue 5 SR1 Specification for testing and classifying th eburglary resistance of nuilding components, strong-points and security enclosures.
Seceuroglide Original Roller Garage Door by SWS UK
Certified to LPS 2081 Issue 1 SRA Requirements and testing procedures for the LPCB approval and listing of building components, strongpoints, security enclosures and free-standing barriers offering resistance to intruders attempting to use stealth to gain entry.
For more information on SWS UK’s SBD certification please visit Secured by Design website!
Hormann LPU 42 & LPU 67 Sectional Garage Doors
Hormann LPU 42 & LPU 67 Insulated Sectional Garage Doors are certified Secured by Design when fitted with a Hormann ProMatic or SupraMatic BiSecur garage door operator. Certified to STS 202 BR1 Requirements for burglary resistance of construction products including hinged, pivoted, folding or sliding doorset, window curtain walling, security grilles, garage doors and shutters.
Doors with windows and ventilation grilles, manually operated doors, or doors fitted between the opening are excluded from SBD certification.
For more information on Hormann’s SBD certification please visit Secured by Design website!
Hormann ThermoPro Front Doors
Secured by Design in conjunction with the Association of Chief Police Officers, is a security upgrade to help combat crime. The fully accredited Hormann ThermoPro front doors will come supplied with a high security cylinder complete with registration card and 3 security keys.
Available on styles 100, 700, 900, 010, 030, 040 and 015.
For more information on Hormann’s SBD certification please visit Secured by Design website!